FARM #1: 55.5+/- ACRES (1 County Parcel) Located Along Brunson Rd, North of Hoagland Road.
FARM #2: 116.5+/- ACRES (Parcel A: 40+/- acres, Parcel B: 76.5+/- acres) Located along Flatrock Road, just West of Franke Road.
FARM #3: 25.41+/- ACRES (1 County Parcel) Located at Corner of Figel and Houk Roads.
FARM #4: 149+/- ACRES (Parcel A: 72.20+/- acres, Parcel B: 76.8+/- acres) Located between Monroeville Road and Hoffman Road, west of Franke Road and east of Minnich Road.
FARM #5: 88.5+/- ACRES (Parcel A: 62.23+/- acres, Parcel B: 26.26+/- acres)
Located along Tillman Road, near Maples, and west of Franke Road.
Thu, Aug 22, 6:00 PM EASTERN
Productive Tillable Soils • Several Great Potential Country Building Sites • Executive and Mini Farm Sites

Jerry Ehle
Phone: 260 410-1996
Email: [javascript protected email address]

Mike Roy
Phone: 260-437-5428
Email: [javascript protected email address]

Hoagland & Monroeville, IN - Allen County, IN
• Productive Tillable Soils • Several Great Potential Country Building Sites • Executive and Mini Farm Sites
Tuesday, July 30th from 5-7PM
Tuesday, August 13th from 5-7PM
Meet the Auction Manager at Tracts 1-3
FARM #1: 55.5+/- ACRES (1 County Parcel) Located Along Brunson Rd, North of Hoagland Road.
FARM #2: 116.5+/- ACRES (Parcel A: 40+/- acres, Parcel B: 76.5+/- acres) Located along Flatrock Road, just West of Franke Road.
FARM #3: 25.41+/- ACRES (1 County Parcel) Located at Corner of Figel and Houk Roads.
FARM #4: 149+/- ACRES (Parcel A: 72.20+/- acres, Parcel B: 76.8+/- acres) Located between Monroeville Road and Hoffman Road, west of Franke Road and east of Minnich Road.
FARM #5: 88.5+/- ACRES (Parcel A: 62.23+/- acres, Parcel B: 26.26+/- acres)
Located along Tillman Road, near Maples, and west of Franke Road.
"The Eden" Reception Hall
14013 Emanuel Rd, Hoagland, IN 46745.
Farm #1: 55.5+/- ACRES (1 County Parcel) Located Along Brunson Road, North of Hoagland Road.
TRACT 1: 20+/- ACRES, This tract has a considerable amount of road frontage along Brunson Road. It has a "vantage point" elevation overlooking the land around! Would be a gorgeous potential building site!! The soils are mostly Blount silt loam.
TRACT 2: 18+/- ACRES, This tract has considerable frontage along Brunson Road. It is a long level parcel with elevations rising towards the south. The soils are mostly Blount silt loam with some Pewamo silty clay.
TRACT 3: 17.5+/- ACRES, This tract has frontage along Flatrock Road to the north and considerable frontage along Brunson Road to the west. It is mostly level with elevation rising towards the south. The Allen GIS shows some area of possible flood plain along the Flatrock Road frontage. The soils are a combination of Pewamo silty clay and Blount silt loam and Glynwood silt loam. There is public sewer along the frontage of Flatrock Road.
Farm #2: 116.5+/- ACRES (Parcel A: 40+/- acres, Parcel B: 76.5+/- acres) Located along Flatrock Road, just West of Franke Road.
TRACT 4: 40+/- ACRES, This tract has frontage along Flatrock Road, near Franke Road. It is a square 40 with approximately 38.6 acres tillable per FSA map. The soils are Pewamo silty clay with some Blount silt loam mixed in.
TRACT 5: 49.5+/- ACRES, This tract has considerable frontage along Flatrock Road. It is between Tracts 4 and 6. If combined with 6 it would have frontage on both Flatrock and Franke Roads. The soils are mostly Pewamo silty clay with a mixture of Blount silt loam.
TRACT 6: 22+/- ACRES, This tract has frontage on Franke Road at two spots. It wraps around the original farmstead. It borders the open drain to the south. The soils again are a mix of Pewamo silty clay and Blount silt loam.
TRACT 7: 5+/- ACRES, This tract has considerable frontage along Flatrock Road and a small amount on Franke Road. The north and west border is the large open drain. The soils are a mix of Blount silt loam with some Pewamo silty clay.
Farm #3: 25.41+/- ACRES (1 County Parcel) Located at Corner of Figel and Houk Roads.
TRACT 8: 12.5+/- ACRES, This tract is located at the corner of Figel and Houk Roads with considerable frontage along both. It is level and soils are mostly Pewamo silty clay with a small mix of Blount silt loam.
TRACT 9: 12.5+/- ACRES, This tract is located adjacent to East Allen Schools property adjoining Heritage High School. There is considerable road frontage along Houk Road. The soils again are mostly Pewamo silty clay with a mix of Blount silt loam.
Farm #4: 149+/- ACRES (Parcel A: 72.20+/- acres, Parcel B: 76.8+/- acres) Located between Monroeville Road and Hoffman Road, west of Franke Road and east of Minnich Road.
TRACT 10: 63+/- ACRES, This tract has frontage along Monroeville Road with two access points on either side of the adjacent home. The contour is level and the north property line is the large open ditch which divides Tract 10 from Tract 11. The soils are a mix of Pewamo silty clay and Blount silt loam.
TRACT 11: 86+/- ACRES, This tract has frontage along Hoffman Road. There are two access points on either side of the adjacent property in the center. The contour is level and the south property line is the large open ditch. The soils are mostly Pewamo silty clay with a few small areas of Blount silt loam.
Farm #5: 88.5+/- ACRES (Parcel A: 62.23+/- acres, Parcel B: 26.26+/- acres) Located along Tillman Road, near Maples, and west of Franke Road.
TRACT 12: 25+/- ACRES, This tract has frontage along E. Tillman Road. It is west of the original farmstead. It is level contour. The soils are a mix of Pewamo silty clay loam and Haskins loam. The south boundary line is the Railroad track.
TRACT 13: 26+/- ACRES, This tract has frontage along E. Tillman Road. It is east of the original farmstead. It is level contour. The soils are mostly Pewamo silty clay loam with a mix of Blount silt loam. The south boundary line is the Railroad track.
TRACT 14: 38.5+/- ACRES, This tract is accessed via the AEP access road along the Railroad from the west. There is also a crossover the railroad track from Tract 12. The soils on this tract are a mix of Pewamo silty clay, Haskins loam, and some Blount silt loam. The owner of this tract has had a lease in the past from AEP to farm the additional 6 acres owned by AEP located south of the railroad. That lease is currently expired and as of the time of this brochure printing, no new lease has been signed. The owner is in communication with AEP to renew the lease.
Contact Auction Manager for other Leases and Options on Tracts 12-14.
Terms & Conditions:
PROCEDURE: The property will be offered in Fourteen (14) individual tracts, any combination of tracts and as a total 435/- acre unit. There will be open bidding on all tracts and combinations during the auction as determined by the Auctioneer. Bids on tracts, tract combinations and the total property may compete. The property will be bid in a manner resulting in the highest total sale price.
DOWN PAYMENT: 10% down payment at close of the auction for individual tracts or combinations of tracts. The down payment may be made in the form of cashier's check, personal check, or corporate check. YOUR BIDDING IS NOT CONDITIONAL UPON FINANCING, so be sure you have arranged financing, if needed, and are capable of paying cash at closing.
ACCEPTANCE OF BID PRICES: All successful bidders will be required to enter into Purchase Agreements at the auction site immediately following the close of the auction. All final bid prices are subject to the Sellers' acceptance or rejection. The terms of this agreement and any addendum are non-negotiable.
EVIDENCE OF TITLE: Seller shall provide an owner's title insurance policy in the amount of the purchase price.
DEED: Seller shall provide Warranty Deed(s).
PERIMETER DRAIN TILE EASEMENT: Easement access will be provided over tracts in this property for perimeter drain tile outlets if perimeter drain tile outlets beyond each individual tract are required by the Allen County Health Department.
CLOSING: The balance of the real estate purchase price is due at closing, which is targeted to take place on or before September 30, 2024.
POSSESSION: Buyer(s) shall receive possession at closing, subject to Tenant Farmer 2024 crops.
REAL ESTATE TAXES: Real estate taxes will be pro-rated to the date of closing.
DITCH ASSESSMENTS: Buyer shall pay all ditch assessments due after closing.
PROPERTY INSPECTION: Each potential Bidder is responsible for conducting, at their own risk, their own independent inspections, investigations, inquiries, and due diligence concerning the property. Inspection dates have been scheduled and will be staffed with auction personnel. Further, Seller disclaims any and all responsibility for Bidder's safety during any physical inspection of the property. No party shall be deemed an invitee of the property by virtue of the offering of the property for sale.
TRACT MAP(S) AND ACREAGE: All tract map(s), tract acreage, dimensions and proposed boundaries are approximate and have been estimated based on current legal descriptions and/or aerial photos. They are not provided as survey products and are not intended to depict or establish authoritative boundaries or locations.
SURVEY: Perimeter surveys are being completed on each Farm. The Seller shall provide a new survey where there is no existing legal description or where new boundaries are created by the tract divisions in this auction. Any need for a new survey shall be determined solely by the Seller. Seller and successful bidder shall each pay half (50:50) of the cost of all surveys. The type of survey performed shall be at the Seller's option and sufficient for providing title insurance. Combination purchases will receive a perimeter survey only.
BUILDING SITES: For purposes of building sites, all tracts are being offered as a non-reviewed sell-offs by the Allen County Plan Commission. It will be the Buyer's responsibility to apply for any Platting and Building permitting required by the Allen County Plan Commission, Allen County Building and Health Departments.
EASEMENTS: All real estate is being sold subject to any existing recorded easements.
AGENCY: Schrader Real Estate and Auction of Fort Wayne, LLC and its representatives are exclusive agents of the Seller.
DISCLAIMER AND ABSENCE OF WARRANTIES: All information contained in this brochure and all related materials are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the Purchase Agreement. The property is being sold on an "AS IS, WHERE IS" basis, and no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, concerning the property is made by the Seller or the Auction Company. All sketches and dimensions in the brochure are approximate. Each potential bidder is responsible for conducting his or her own independent inspections, investigations, inquiries, and due diligence concerning the property. The information contained in this brochure is subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, errors, or omissions is assumed by the Seller or the Auction Company. Conduct of the auction and increments of bidding are at the direction and discretion of the Auctioneer. The Seller and Selling Agents reserve the right to preclude any person from bidding if there is any question as to the person's credentials, fitness, etc. All decisions of the Auctioneer are final.